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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
Jun 5, 20231 min read
Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Birthday
Daulat Tuanku! Salutations and heartiest congratulations to His Majesty Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
Jun 4, 20231 min read
Design with modern architectural aesthetics
Design with modern architectural aesthetics, featuring a unique exterior and a spacious interior layout that allows residents to flexibly...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
Jun 1, 20231 min read
Taman Ponderosa
A carefully designed interior layout, abundant natural light, and seamless ventilation flow can greatly enhance comfort. Our spacious...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 26, 20231 min read
Taman Ponderosa
Have you ever wondered how frequently you make the journey back to your hometown to visit your parents? If you find yourself caught up in...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 20, 20231 min read
New Double Storey Terrace House at Taman Ponderosa
距离新柔关卡 CIQ 只有10KM! 经常来回新马两地工作?我们的全新双层排楼绝对是你的最佳选择。! 距离坡底 / 新柔关卡 CIQ 近距离10公里,车程只需20分钟就能抵达 欢迎前来我们的销售厅了解详情! – 10KM to CIQ / Singapore!...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 15, 20231 min read
Happy Mother's Day
A mother's love turns any house into a home sweet home. This Mother's Day, we want to honor all the moms out there who fill our hearts...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 11, 20231 min read
Taman Ponderosa
🔎 申请房贷小提示 | 这些关键文件不能少! 无论你是打工族、自由工作者、创业者,都应该时刻保持个人的财务证明记录。 这些关键文件对于向银行提供足够的财务证明非常重要,以支持本身的财务能力,至少保持【6个月】的证明,包括: 📑 报税表 / BE报税表格/ B报税表格...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 11, 20231 min read
Taman Ponderosa
Taman Ponderosa 崭新双层排楼,地理位置四通八达,让你畅想衣食住行的无限便利! 邻近众多生活设施 邻近工商银行 连接主要道路 邻近高尔夫球俱乐部 邻近学校与医院 十公里到达CIQ / 新加坡 Living in Taman Ponderosa, all...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 6, 20231 min read
Taman Ponderosa 2 storey terrace / 2-storey terrace with lower ground floor
Experience the perfect blend of modernity and nature with our luxurious Taman Ponderosa 2 storey terrace / 2-storey terrace with lower...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 6, 20231 min read
Happy Labour Day
Happy Labour Day! Today, let's take a moment to appreciate the hard work that our families put in day in and day out to make our homes...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 6, 20231 min read
Selamat Hari Raya to all our Muslim friends
Selamat Hari Raya! On this blessed occasion, we extend our warmest wishes to all our Muslim friends! Let's celebrate this joyous festival...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 6, 20231 min read
Selamat Hari Raya
As we approach the season where we celebrate togetherness and happiness, let's take a moment to reflect on the importance of sharing love...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 6, 20231 min read
IKEA 女生房间收纳好物推荐
IKEA 女生房间收纳好物推荐! 最低从RM5起! 女生们,房间乱糟糟的 心情都被影响了 真心推荐这几款【IKEA 平价收纳好物 】 质量杠杠的 色调走的都是米白灰 🤍🤎 搭配起来 整个房间显得更温柔有质感了~ #房间收纳#房间摆设#IKEA#平价好物#好物分析#房间搭...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 6, 20231 min read
Escape your day
Escape your day by exploring the outdoor possibilities within the neighbourhood. Stroll around the park, a friendly basketball...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 6, 20231 min read
客厅配色及软装搭配 | 显得特别温柔的质感原木风 🤍 喜欢MUJI 简约装修风格的你,这里有超实用的的客厅颜色搭配攻略及装修灵感,赶紧收藏起来! 🤎 配色:白色 + 原木色 + 奶油色 🪑 家具:暖色调家具 🪟 窗帘:奶油色系 搭配 白纱...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 6, 20231 min read
Double Storey Terrace House with a unique lower ground floor located in Taman Ponderosa
Experience true versatility in this stunning 2-Storey Terrace House with a unique lower ground floor located in Taman Ponderosa! Designed...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 6, 20231 min read
身为首购族,第一次买房,却不知如何下手? 告诉大家几个买房前一定要注意的事项,帮助你少走弯路,才能买到自己的理想家园 😍 #RawhideSdnBhd#PonderosaWoods#PonderosaAvenue#PonderosaGolfandCountryClub#p...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 6, 20231 min read
Salam Ramadan
Ramadan at home, time for reflection, forgiveness and togetherness. Let’s embrace the beauty of staying at home and create memories with...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 6, 20231 min read
Happy Birthday to our beloved Sultan
Happy Birthday to our beloved Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Ismail. Wishing His majesty the happiest birthday, great health and...
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Rawhide Sdn Bhd
May 6, 20231 min read
Balance work and self-care
Balance work and self-care. Stretch, eat well, exercise, and connect with loved ones to find balance. 忙碌奔波的生活,也要始终记得...
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