👊 Defeat corona epidemic with perseverance! During this MCO, we must do our part, and follow by the instruction of the MCO to curb the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic: 1. Stay at home. 2. Always take protective measures. 3. Keep a safe distance of 1 meter from others. 4. Only one household representative per family is allowed to go out to purchase daily necessities. . 👊 我们的坚持和力量,一定能战胜它! 行动管制令期间,尽好公民本分及遵守条规,不为前线人员添乱: 1. 待在家。 2. 时刻做好防护措施。 3. 在外时应与前方的人保持一米以上的距离。 4. 若要外出购买日常用品,每个家庭只有一名家庭代表获准外出采购。 . 🦠 Covid-19 Online Test / 自我测试:https://bit.ly/3ax7mUT