Rawhide 最新发展项目——Taman Ponderosa全新双层排楼,安家生活的好地段!
现已开放登记!毗邻 Ponderosa高尔夫球俱乐部和百合花园的Taman Ponderosa全新双层排楼项目,周边的生活配套设施十分完善,便捷无处不在,所有的生活所需都能被满足,是在这个繁华城市里的成熟生活地段!
. 别错过机会,即刻填上表格,让我们联系你! https://bit.ly/3ipd7tD 或通过 WhatsApp 询问详情: 016-5206505 | https://bit.ly/39zWAiW
- The Upcoming Project Develop by Rawhide——Taman Ponderosa Brand New Freehold Double Storey Terrace House, is the ideal place to live!
Now open for registration! Taman Ponderosa Brand New Freehold Double Storey Terrace House is adjacent to Ponderosa Golf Club and Taman Molek, surrounded by comprehensive living facilities, that cater to all essential needs. Grant you a mature life in this city!
. Grab the chance, register now and we’ll contact you soon! https://bit.ly/3ipd7tD Reach us via WhatsApp to know more: 016-5206505 | https://bit.ly/39zWAiW
---- 欲知更多详情: For more details: www.rawhide.com.my