Experience Ponderosa Woods Showroom View from the comfort of your home! Discover more about the layout plan through 360° virtual view online or make an appointment to our office.
Visit our virtual showroom now!
360° Virtual House View - http://bit.ly/39BrIgo
无法前来参观我们的示范屋,您却可在家体验 Ponderosa Woods 360°虚拟房产演示!透过虚拟实景,了解房屋室内构造,实现 360度全方位游览,或向我们预约参观。
360度实景展示 - http://bit.ly/39BrIgo
Book a live presentation / For more info:
预约在线解说 / 更多详情:
016-5206505 | https://bit.ly/39zWAiW