快速通达:轻松连接EDL东疏大道, 短短几分钟直达新柔关卡。
繁华商圈: 毗邻繁忙商业区,购物、餐饮、娱乐一应俱全。
出行无忧: 无论是上班、上学,还是周末休闲,都能轻松出行。
投资潜力: 优越的地理位置,带来无限增值潜力。
Prime Location, Superior Connectivity!
Quickly access EDL Eastern Dispersal Link, just minutes from the Johor-Singapore Causeway.
Located in a bustling commercial district with shopping, dining, and entertainment options.
Easy commuting for work, school, or weekend leisure.
A strategic location that offers excellent investment opportunities.
Don't miss your final chance to own a Ponderosa Callista! Register now for our exclusive Bumi Release Units!
Visit our showhouse today to learn more https://g.co/kgs/JZA6B5o
Join our telegram channel for project updates! https://t.me/rawhidesb201247a
For more details:
016-5206505 | https://bit.ly/39zWAiW
019-7283650 | https://bit.ly/3MXcC8D
019-7273650 | https://bit.ly/4abVgi8
#Rawhide #PonderosaCallista #PropertyGuruAwards #BerindaProperties #BestArchitenturalDesignAsia #AwardWinning #ModernLiving #DreamHome
